本剧改编自同名小说,讲述了曾被称为神童的优等生太田野枝(小泉今日子 饰)是兼职大学讲师,看起来粗枝大叶,实际上认真严肃,离过一次婚;樱井夏子(小林聪美 饰)是插画家,然而最近刚失业,靠在跳蚤市场上下载应用程序谋生,做事一丝不苟,擅长烹饪,单身。50多岁、在住宅区出生、住在老家、单身,这样的两位发小,即使心有不宁也相安无事,温暖幽默的友情日常故事。Plot Summary:A story of friendship between Noe and Natsuko, two women in their 50s, who both return to the housing complex where they grew up together. The drama depicts how the women live together and help one another in the local community, while eating and having fun together.